Welcome to FoodFireFriends.com, your go-to resource for all things BBQ and grilling.
We’re not just another BBQ blog, we’re a community of enthusiasts who live and breathe outdoor cooking.
From reviewing the latest grills, smokers and accessories to creating advanced BBQ and grilling guides, we’re here to help you master the art of outdoor cooking.
Mission Statement
Our mission is simple: to help you grill and BBQ better.
The founder, Mark Jenner, started this site with the following goal:
To create the absolute best resource I wish I could have found when I was searching for advice on BBQ, grilling, low n slow smoking, and all and any aspects of cooking and eating outdoors.
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy the thrill of outdoor cooking, and we’re here to make that happen.
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, our practical guides, recipes, and equipment reviews are designed to take your BBQ skills to the next level.
Our Story
FoodFireFriends was born in 2017 out of a love for BBQ and grilling.
Our founder, Mark Jenner, a BBQ enthusiast since 2005, wanted to share his passion and knowledge with the world. Since then, we’ve grown into a team of BBQ lovers who are dedicated to providing you with the best BBQ and grilling advice on the web, and serve thousands of visitors daily.
The site name itself comes from: Great Food, Cooked over live Fire, enjoyed with Friends = FoodFireFriends.com
And that is exactly what you will learn here! How to cook great food outdoors with live fire and smoke, to share and enjoy with friends and family.
We have to eat three times a day; we may as well make some of it great, right?
Who We Are
We’re a team of BBQ enthusiasts who are passionate about what we do. We’re not just writers, we’re grillers, smokers, and live-fire cooks who live and breathe outdoor cooking.
We purchase and test the products we review, and cook on the equipment we recommend. We are hands-on, and have decades of grilling and BBQ experience between us.
We’re here to provide you with honest, reliable advice based on our personal experiences, coming from time spent actually practicing what we preach.
Our Editorial Staff

Mark Jenner
Founder, Barbecue and Grilling Expert
I’m founder, author, and chief editor here at FoodFireFriends.com. I started this site in 2017, after becoming BBQ obsessed since back in 2005.
I grill and smoke food outdoors at least three days a week on a wide range of equipment, have done so for years, and love nothing more than cooking good food, over live fire, enjoying it with friends.
My aim with this site is to educate and help others to do the same.

Jim Wright
Senior Writer, Barbecue and Grilling Expert
With over two decades of experience grilling over charcoal, wood, and gas, I lit my passion for barbecue during childhood camping trips. And now, I’m thrilled to be able to pass on my knowledge and findings to you.
Outside of penning down my thoughts about barbecue here, I write about food in general at a food marketing agency called: nourish.marketing. Beyond my family and pursuing the perfect steak, I’m also passionate about traveling and everything related to Disney.
Emma Braby
Writer and Barbecue Lover
Hi, Emma Braby here, a proud contributor to FoodFireFriends.
My writing revolves around the newest BBQ trends, delicious recipes, and the special techniques and tricks I’ve picked up during my time in the BBQ world.
I regularly cook on Kamado Joe Classic II and Pro Q charcoal smokers, with a particular focus on beef and steak recipes, and my weekends are best spent with my friends and family, all gathered to try out my newly developed tasty recipes.
Marketing and Development

Wendy Jenner
Social Media and Marketing Manager
Hi! I’m Wendy, married to Mark, so whether I liked it or not, BBQ was always going to be a large part of my life. So it’s a good job I love it then!
To help with the business and so I can work from home to be with my children, I decided years ago to study social media marketing and now run our online communities and marketing channels. Do pop over and join in the fun!
Robson Basquill
Hi! I’m Robson, a full-time junior developer with years of experience in website development, app development, databases, and multiple programming languages.
I help FoodFireFriends with website design and functionality, conforming to accessibility standards, and creating apps and tools to help automate and speed up daily tasks required to run a website and multiple social media channels.
Our Responsibility
At FoodFireFriends.com, we’re committed to maintaining the highest standards of editorial integrity. Our content is evidence-based, scientifically accurate, and regularly updated to ensure you’re getting the most current and correct information.
Not only do we BBQ ourselves almost daily, we spend hours each week keeping up with industry news, participating in forum discussions, and reading industry specific magazines and books. All this to ensure our own knowledge is correct and up to date, before passing it on to our readers.
And we’re independent, not tied to any specific brands or products, so you can trust that our reviews and recommendations are unbiased.
You can check out our detailed editorial process guidelines to see exactly what guides us and the standards we maintain when creating content.
We’re also committed to ethical practices. We use locally sourced charcoal from sustainable sources, we believe in supporting local farmers and butchers who uphold high animal welfare standards, and we encourage our readers to do the same.
Connect With Us
We want this site to be a small part of an overall larger online community. We would love to make connections with other people in the BBQ, smoking, and grilling space.
So if you want to reach out, either to ask for or to give us advice, to work together in some way, or purely just to say hello, then please do so!
We have a Facebook page, a Facebook group, and active Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter accounts…come say hello and join the conversation with like-minded BBQ’ers.
And if you have any comments, questions or feedback concerning anything on this site, please reach out to us via our contact page. We will answer everything as best we can.
Join the FoodFireFriends.com community today and start your journey to becoming a pitmaster!